Red Thai Prawn Curry

Hello everyone, today’s recipe is for Red Thai Prawn Curry. To keep this recipe perfect for a quick week night meal I’ve used a shop bought red Thai paste. If you have a little extra time and the ingredients then you might want to experiment and make your own curry paste.

If you aren’t a fan of prawns you can easily substitute this for chicken. Just add in the diced chicken at the beginning when you are cooking the vegetables. I think I’ll make a Green Thai chicken curry next time I fancy this kind of food.

red thai prawn curry

If you are a fan of prawns and Thai dishes then you might want to have a look at my recipe for Prawn Tom Yum Soup. You can view it by clicking here: Prawn Tom Yum Soup.

I’ll be uploading plenty more recipes to the dinner section so if you liked my Red Thai Prawn Curry recipe you can check out other ideas here: Dinner.

Free From Alternatives

This recipe is naturally gluten and dairy free which makes it a great option if you have family members who require a special diet. If you are after more recipes which fully accommodate a free from diet then check out my sister website Free From Favourites:



Difficulty: Beginner Prep Time 10 mins Cook Time 15 mins Total Time 25 mins
Servings: 4
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


Looking for inspiration for a week night dinner? Then try out this Red Thai Prawn Curry which you can have on the table in under 30 minutes.



  1. Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a large pan over medium heat
  2. Add the onion, pepper and green beans and cook for 5 minutes
  3. Add the garlic, ginger, lemon juice, lemongrass and seasoning
  4. Stir in the curry paste
  5. Pour in the coconut milk and bring to a simmer
  6. Stir in the prawns and simmer for 5 minutes
  7. Serve with the boiled rice
Keywords: Thai
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