5 Minute Chocolate Chip Banana Mug Muffin

banana mug muffin

Hello everyone, my latest recipe is for this 5 Minute Chocolate Chip Banana Mug Muffin. It is so simple to make, you can whisk together a few ingredients and microwave for 2 minutes. This muffin is best enjoyed straight away while it is still warm. I quite like to make this recipe for breakfast with some fresh orange juice and a cappuccino.

Other Baking Projects

This recipe for 5 Minute Chocolate Chip Banana Mug Muffin is a super simple baking project for one. If it has inspired you to get into the kitchen and try another baking project then check out my other baking ideas:

banana mug muffin

Free From Alternatives

You can substitute the flour for gluten free flour if you need a free from version. Making it a great option if you have family members who require a special diet. If you are after more recipes which fully accommodate a free from diet then check out my sister website Free From Favourites: https://www.freefromfavourites.com/.



Difficulty: Beginner Prep Time 3 mins Cook Time 2 mins Total Time 5 mins
Servings: 1
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


Try my 5 Minute Chocolate Chip Banana Mug Muffin for a super quick and easy breakfast if you are short on time.



  1. Mix together all the ingredients for the muffin

  2. Place in a coffee cup or mug

  3. I microwaved mine for two minutes - as microwaves vary please keep checking your muffin

Keywords: muffin, banana,
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